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Monday, February 11, 2013

1:15 PM

Lexington, MA

Lexington Veterans Association Lecture: The Ghost Army

1874 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02421

Rick Beyer will be speaking about The Ghost Army,

While many people are aware of Operation FORTITUDE, the massive deception that preceded D-Day, far fewer know about the top-secret US Army unit that used inflatable tanks and sound effects records to play tricks on Hitler’s legions after the invasion.  The 1100 men of the 23rd Headquarters Special troops staged a traveling road show of deception from Normandy to the Rhine, often operating dangerously close to the front lines. Many were artists, some of whom later became famous, such as fashion designer Bill Blass. Filmmaker/author Rick Beyer, whose documentary about this extraordinary unit will air on PBS in 2013, shares their remarkable story, along with some clips from his film.

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